Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Eye-Fi memory cards

WiFi SD memory cards for your camera!!! Yep, they got WiFi right on the card. Check it out here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

MySQL 5.1 configuration problem

Using Ubuntu is a thrill and a pain. I ran the update manager on our server today, and mysql-server was upgraded. And the website crashed, because mysql couldn't start. In hindsight, I think I'll test upgrades before I make them live. I didn't this time, however. So, in a desperate effort to get the site up again, I scoured the web for answers.

I had a similar problem before, wherein mysql told me it could find the /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock file, so I tried to fix it using the same methods I found last time on the Ubuntu Forums (See the post by *Select). It turns out that the problem, though it appeared similar, was different this time. I found the answer on this blog. When I upgraded, the mysql configuration file wasn't changed (/etc/mysql/my.cnf) to reflect the fact that mysql no longer supports BerkleyDB. I actually don't know what BerkleyDB is or does, but following the instructions on the blog above was enough to fix the problem for me. I hope this helps.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Check out SeaDragon - Microsoft Labs project for web zooming. Pretty cool.

Learn Web Development

Want to learn how to develop websites? Check out w3schools.com to learn HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, PHP and more.

Google Wave

The next great release from Google is Google Wave, a web app designed to revolutionize electronic communication. Click here to check out Google Wave's preview website.
Wave is intended to imitate real communication, allowing me to maintain multiple conversations at one time. Think of it like this: email is simply electronic mail - I send a letter to a friend and await his reply. It could take hours, days, whatever the case may be. Google Wave is like having a conversation with someone in the same room. Several different threads of discussion are explored, and anyone can easily revert back to a former thread and add a comment. Wave replicates this.
Now, how to get a Wave account: Wave is currently in the preview stage, so you can only get an account via invite. So bug your friends who have one already for an invitation!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Post!

I am lnis1! Welcome to the LNIS blog!
We are a projects group of the Information Technology Department here at the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, part of the J. Reuben Clark Law School of Brigham Young University. We work on various projects for the Law Library, from inventory to web development to digitizing law materials. We constantly look for the latest and greatest tech tools and applications to enhance our creations. We want to share our findings with the world! We hope this will serve as a place to begin learning about what's new out there. Enjoy!